Kotlinx.serialization part2

Peter Nagy
3 min readJan 22, 2021


This is a series, you can find the first part of the story:

In the part1 article I have written about basic of the kotlinx.serialization.

As you know when you want to serialize or deserialize an object then we need a Json object. What is this ?

  • Json is a configuration holder object

If you search in the Internet you can find a lot of article where there is a different syntax (JSON, or JsonConfiguration). The reason is API change in the RC release. :( Earlier there was a public JsonConfiguration object which is now private and there is a builder if you want to set some configuration variable.

Json {
encodeDefaults = true
ignoreUnknownKeys = true
isLenient = true
allowStructuredMapKeys = true
prettyPrint = true
prettyPrintIndent = " "
coerceInputValues = true
useArrayPolymorphism = true
classDiscriminator = ""
allowSpecialFloatingPointValues = true
serializersModule = SerializersModule { }

You can find the documentation here:


By default kotlinx will not encode the default value(s).

data class Data(val text: String? = null, val text2: String? = null, val text3: String = "foo")
val data = Data()val encodedString = Json.encodeToString(data)

If you print encodedString it will be { }. Ok, when we deserialize it -> it will be same object however sometimes we need the null value (e.g. our backend will handle it)


val encodedString = Json { encodeDefaults = true }.encodeToString(data)

The result will be: {“text”:null,”text2":null,”text3":”foo”}


JSON format often is used in network communication. It is a common use case we have an object in our application and it has been changed in current version of the network call. (Object version is changed on backend)

data class Data(val userName: String)
val obj = Json.decodeFromString<Data>("{\"userName\": \"fooUser\", \"city\": \"Budapest\"}")

If we run the code above then we will get an exception:

kotlinx.serialization.json.internal.JsonDecodingException: Unexpected JSON token at offset 42: Encountered an unknown key 'city'.
Use 'ignoreUnknownKeys = true' in 'Json {}' builder to ignore unknown keys.
JSON input: {"userName": "fooUser", "city": "Budapest"}

The error message will show the solution we need to turn on ignoreUnknownKeys setting to parse the object.


By default there are some restriction in JSON format (https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc4627.txt). Keys must be quoted, literals shall be unquoted.

Can we parse this string “{userName: fooUser}” ?

With help of isLenient we are able to parse a string much more flexibility.

data class Data(val userName: String)
Json { isLenient = true }.decodeFromString<Data>("{userName: fooUser}")

Without this settings we will get an exception:

kotlinx.serialization.json.internal.JsonDecodingException: Unexpected JSON token at offset 1: Expected string literal with quotes.
Use 'isLenient = true' in 'Json {}` builder to accept non-compliant JSON.
JSON input: {userName: fooUser}


By default JSON format do not allow to use map with structured map.

data class Data(val userName: String)
Json.encodeToString(mapOf(Data("test") to 1, Data("testX") to 2))

If we want to encode a map with object type key (structured object) we need to set allowStructuredMapKeys settings.


Sometimes we want to see a well readable JSON instead of one line of String. With help of prettyPrint settings we will get a human readable text. By default there will be 4 spaces indent. If we want to setup different indention we can set with prettyPrintIndent option.

This option could be very useful when we want to print a JSON string in a log file or Logcat.


Kotlin has some very useful language feature like default value. This feature will help us to avoid to use null value like a valid value. Ok, and how can we use this feature when backend can send us null value?

data class Data(val userName: String, val city: String = "nowhere")
val data = Json.decodeFromString<Data>("{\"userName\": \"test\", \"city\": null}")val data2 = Json.decodeFromString<Data>("{\"userName\": \"test\"}")

The second object data2 will be parsed successful and city will hold the default value as we expected. However the first object (data) will cause an exception because there is a null type in the JSON. If we want to avoid this kind of exception we need to set coerceInputValues = true.


By default JSON do not support special floating point values like NaN (Not a Number) or infinities.

data class Data(val number: Double)
Json { allowSpecialFloatingPointValues = true }.encodeToString(Data(Double.NaN))

And the result will be: {“number”:NaN}

In next part I will write about how can we parse some extra data object like Date or BigDecimal:

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